
Chili Chocolate Fudge

Chili Chocolate Fudge

Chocolate is a favourite of mine and I figured what a better recipe post than one that is made with delicious cacao and a metabolism boosting ingredient…Cayenne Pepper! The combination of sweet and spicy is the perfect blend for something different to satisfy your sweet tooth!



1 tbsp Maca
1 cup of coconut butter
1 cup coconut oil
4 tbsp raw cacao powder
1/3 cup raw unpasteurized organic honey
1 tbsp organic vanilla extract
2 tbsp lucuma powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper


  1. Tear a large piece of parchment and put into 9×9 baking dish
  2. Add coconut oil and butter to a medium size pan on medium heat until melted
  3. Add honey, cayenne, vanilla, lucuma powder and cacao powder and whisk until smooth and creamy
  4. Pour over parchment paper in baking dish and freeze for 1-2 hours
  5. Pull of parchment and cut into desired servings

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