½ cup coconut oil and a bit extra to grease the muffin tin
4 tbsp cold almond milk or any dairy-free milk
For the Filling:
1 cup Yoso coconut Yogurt
3 scoops Botanica Chocolate Greens
1 tsp vanilla powder OR 4 tbsp Cacao powder
¼ cup pure maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla powder
Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
Grease muffin tin with coconut oil
In a large bowl add flour, vanilla and lucuma powder, sea salt and mix well.
Then add the coconut oil and mix into the flour mixture.
Add the almond milk and form dough into a large ball.
Separate dough into small balls to make the crusts in the muffin tin. Ensure there is enough dough covering the bottom and sides of the tin (there should be enough for the 12 tarts)
Once you have the dough in the tin bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 400 and another 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until crusts are golden and let cool.
In a second bowl add Yoso coconut yogurt , vanilla and chocolate greens. OR Add Yoso with the cacao powder, vanilla powder and pure maple syrup and mix well
Once the crusts are cooled add the chocolate mixture and serve!
Makes 12 chocolate tarts
Special Thanks To:
Yoso (www.yoso.ca) for their amazing unsweetened coconut yogurt.