Special Thanks To:
Yoso (www.yoso.ca) for their amazing Unsweetened coconut yogurt.
E3live Canada for the amazing Blue Majik Spirulina which is a stunning blue pigment. This is a certified organic proprietary extract of Arthrospira platensis, aNutrient Dense Aqua Botanical. It is made up primarily of Phycocyanin, a powerful antioxidant which can quench free radicals, boost mood and more. Be sure to check out www.e3livecanada.ca for more information and more products.
Amaranth Whole Foods in Calgary for supplying the beautiful ingredients to create these recipes. Be sure to visit one of their locations and check out their website at www.amaranthfoods.ca
Greenmunch brings sustainable entertaining with style. All of the beautiful paper straws and glass jars came from this Canadian owned company. They also supply wooden plates, bowls, cutlery and much more. Be sure to check them out at www.greenmunch.ca
Photo Credit; Jennifer Brazil
Find it online: https://amberapproved.ca/sweet-recipes/dark-berry-smoothie