Body Freedom Consultation
Your Life-Changing Moment
Welcome to you. I’m SO excited you are considering working with me. For thousands of women, making this investment has been life changing. They’ve overcome emotional eating, binge eating, balanced their hormones, improved their digestion, lost the extra weight WITHOUT dieting. (And so much more!)
Most importantly, they feel a sense of FREEDOM, peace and ease living in their bodies and living the most incredible lives because of it. The personal happiness and confidence gained is now allowing them to be the women they’ve always dreamed of being.
I want the same for YOU, and it’s possible

Let’s See if We’re A Fit
I work with open and ambitious women who are ready to invest in themselves and have the financial means to do so. They understand this is an important investment and are willing to learn how to carve out time to prioritize themselves, listen to their bodies and incorporate my suggestions in achieving optimal health, food and Body Freedom.
Let me share some loving reassurance that this journey is taken at your pace, in a safe space, where you will be so supported. We take this one step at a time, one day at a time to ensure you feel comfortable and empowered with the journey you are on. It’s the small steps that build the best foundation. And having someone to walk a long side you each step of the way feels so comforting. I know how it can feel to do the deeper work and I’m here to assist you to feel as at ease as possible.
Book Your 30-Minute Body Freedom™ Session
Please complete the form below so that I can learn more about you.
Once you submit it, you will be directed to a booking page to select your session time. Together in your Body Freedom Session, we will review your top health challenges, mindset blocks, food triggers and help you understand more clearly what might be causing them, and why you haven’t fully gained the freedom you desire yet. We will outline next steps for working together to solve them. And a variety of levels of support will be discussed to see what feels like the best fit for you.
I look forward to connecting!
To Your Body Freedom,
Body Freedom Consultation
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