Online Programs

from Amber Romaniuk

Ego Mastery Group Program






Food Prep Magic

Female Hormone Health & Weight-Loss Workshop Series

A series of four 90-minute classes with Amber Romaniuk to help you identify connections between hormone imbalances and weight-loss blocks to make peace with your body.

Are you tired of the weight-gain/weight-loss cycle?  

Tired of doing the same quick fix diets and exercise routines but you can’t seem to release weight and keep it off?  

Do you feel like you have a hormone imbalance but don’t know how it’s connected to your metabolism and weight?  

If you are yes, you’ll want to be sure you join us to learn all things female hormone health and WHY your body is “hanging on” to the weight. 

We start Oct 29th!  

FREE MASTERCLASS: Uncovering 10 Common Weight-Loss Blocks

Weight-loss can seem like an emotional roller coaster of highs and lows, especially if what you are doing isn’t working or only seems to work short-term before you gain it all back. You’re not alone and I’m here to help you understand WHY these 10 common weight-loss blocks can keep you stuck and frustrated with your body.

During this 90 minute Masterclass I am going to help you identify KEY weight-loss blocks that are keeping you stuck with your weight to help you better understand the most mindful and healthy way to approach weight-loss and much more! 
Food Prep Magic
Food Prep Magic

FREE MASTERCLASS: Understanding Emotional Eating

Can’t gain control with food? Is it impacting your quality of life and your day? Emotional eating doesn’t have to be your secret that you hide away. You’re not alone and it’s not your fault. I’m here to help you understand WHY emotional eating is going on for you and the first steps you can take to start addressing it.

During this new 90 minute Masterclass I am going to help you understand WHY you are still stuck in the vicious cycle of emotional eating and the multiple factors of this habit that keeps us going back to food over and over again.

Triggers: Understand the Roots of Your Emotional Eating & Binges

A 3-part Masterclass series to help you on your journey to overcoming emotional eating or binge eating by understanding what your unique set of physical and emotional triggers are, and ways to start navigating through them without going to food. It will be the powerful next step you desire to start stopping your triggers in their tracks.

Masterclass Replays

Check out a variety of eye-opening Masterclasses to help YOU understand the emotional, physical and energetic roots of your cravings, weight-loss blocks, emotional eating and body image struggles, mindset blocks and gut/hormone issues, in order to gain true food and Body Freedom. 

Amber Romaniuk Coaching
Food Prep Magic

Body Freedom Membership

A monthly membership to grow your understanding of your relationship with food, digestion, hormones, mindset and more, to build Body Freedom, confidence and so much more.

Dive into live monthly sessions including support with emotional eating, cravings, hormone/gut conversations, self/body love, energy and mindset work, live tapping, breath and self-care and MUCH more.

Hormone Harmony Self-Study

Want to learn more about your hormone imbalances at your own pace? Then Hormone Harmony Self-Study is for you. Take this journey at your own pace to learn more about your hormone health and all the connections to bring them back into balance. As soon as you sign up you get instant access to the entire program and you get lifetime access to the six 90-minute replay sessions from last year’s round of Hormone Harmony as well as the worksheets, blood sugar balancer and mind map bonus replays and more! There is also an option to do a hormone test and a private 1:1 coaching session with Amber to gain deeper clarity.

Amber Romaniuk Coaching
Amber Romaniuk Freedom from Emotional Eating

Freedom From Emotional Eating

Start breaking your habits of emotional eating

Freedom from Emotional Eating™ is a 5 week self study program unlike anything you’ve experienced before. No diets, counting macros or measuring. No more devastating weigh-ins that leave you feeling upset. And most importantly, no more fighting with your body. You’ll get a handle on your emotional eating triggers and add self-care routines to reduce your stress levels. This will help you finally rid yourself of food cravings and binge eating so that you take your power back from food.

Kick The Sugar

A 5 week course to assist you in reducing sugar cravings, regulating blood sugar levels and helping you feel more in POWER with food.

Amber Romaniuk Coaching

Private Coaching With Amber.
For even deeper body and life transformation, work privately with me!

Work With Me One-on-One
in Private Coaching

I’m SO excited you are considering working with me. For thousands of women, making this investment has been life changing. They’ve overcome emotional eating, balanced their hormones, improved their digestion and lost the extra weight WITHOUT dieting.

Most importantly, they feel so much better in their bodies. and no longer have the burnout and drain impacting their business, relationships and life. The personal happiness and confidence gained is priceless!

I want the same for YOU, and it’s possible!

Ready to explore support to build Body Freedom?

Please click the button below to schedule your 30 minute Complimentary Body Freedom Consultation.

Emotional Eating Online Course
Amber Romaniak Coach Canada

Body Freedom Mastermind


A transformative 6 or 12 month program which includes a mix of high-level 1:1 support, as well as a sacred group to help you build food and Body Freedom and take your healing to the next level. Each woman in the Mastermind will receive direct support for her struggles and imbalances while being in community to support each other. This is the second highest tier of support next to a full 1:1 investment.

Join the Waitlist!

Want to be the first to hear about new program announcements, early bird pricing EXCLUSIVE for those of you who join the waitlist?! Click below to subscribe and when something new drops that will help you on your journey to food and Body Freedom, you will get the details first!


Amber Romaniuk Health Coach

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