Blog Archive

Holiday Overindulgence Making You Feel Sick?

Holiday Overindulgence Making You Feel Sick?

You may be someone who is SO booked with parties and Christmas prep that, despite your best attempts, this triggers you to eat and drink more than you’d like. You feel tired, puffy and bloated, and may gain 5 to 10 lbs by New Years. Worse yet, you always seem to get...

Emotional Eating and Dieting Through The Holidays

Emotional Eating and Dieting Through The Holidays

The Holidays Season is coming! Do you love this time of year? It’s a great time to connect with family and friends. It’s also a time that we may need a little bit more supportive self-care to get through the holidays HONOURING ourselves. You may be someone who...

Amber Approved Holiday Gift Guide 2019

Amber Approved Holiday Gift Guide 2019

With the holidays not far away, it's time to start thinking about gifts for those on your Christmas list. Are you unsure of what to get for loved ones, friends or co-workers? Especially if they are health conscious you may be wondering what would appeal. Spoil...

Holiday Overindulgence Making You Feel Sick? – Part 2

Holiday Overindulgence Making You Feel Sick? – Part 2

In part one of this blog series which you can read here I talked about Emotional Struggles and Holiday Eating and this week I wanted to talk more about how overindulging during the holidays can impact your health through the Christmas season. You may be someone who is...

Emotional Struggles & Holiday Eating Part 1

Emotional Struggles & Holiday Eating Part 1

The Holiday Season is coming! Do you love this time of year? It’s a great time to connect with family and friends. It’s also a time that we may need a little bit more supportive self-care to get through the holidays HONOURING ourselves. You may be someone who...

Don’t Let Your Health Symptoms Be Your Normal

Don’t Let Your Health Symptoms Be Your Normal

Are you tired, bloated or struggling with your weight? Has your doctor or health care practitioner told you that you have to just accept these symptoms because it's "part of aging" or "you are just going to have to deal with this forever". These symptoms don't have to...

Skipping Meals and Blood Sugar Imbalances

Skipping Meals and Blood Sugar Imbalances

Many people I know have a mentality that is "if I skip breakfast or eat less today maybe I will lose weight." Most people have been conditioned to think less calories in means more fat will be burned, when that is definitely not the case. Skipping meals can have a...

Diet Conditioning and Your Children

Diet Conditioning and Your Children

Did you know that more than 75% of women that I have talked to had one or both parents tell them they were fat or needed to go on a diet as a child? This triggered body image issues, emotional eating and negative self-talk as they grew up and may still be deeply...

Emotional Eating and Cortisol Levels

Emotional Eating and Cortisol Levels

Do you often emotionally eat when you are stressed, tired, bored or watching television? Do you find that no matter how much you sleep you are always tired? You may be struggling with a cortisol imbalance that is fueled by emotional eating. Cortisol is a stress...

Why Skipping Your Lunch Break Can Trigger Emotional Eating

Why Skipping Your Lunch Break Can Trigger Emotional Eating

Do you take the time to stop and take your lunch break? If yes, do you eat and multi-task? I’d like to ask what stands in the way of you taking your lunch break? I often observe people who are skipping their lunch break or who are eating and multi-tasking, and they...

Looking for the Magic Quick Fix

Looking for the Magic Quick Fix

  Looking for the Magic Quick Fix I was having a conversation with a client the other day, and she said to me, “Nothing is changing, I thought something magical was going to happen and I would change overnight.” We have only been working together for several...

Instead of Resolutions

Instead of Resolutions

  Instead of Resolutions   Hello 2019, I hope you are enjoying the New Year. I wanted to take some time to talk about resolutions, and share a bit about why I don’t believe in setting them and have a different approach instead. As some of you may know (or...

Amber Approved Holiday Gift Guide 2018

Amber Approved Holiday Gift Guide 2018

It's beginning to look (and feel!) a lot like Christmas!  Are you starting to think about what to get everyone on your list?   Spoil your loved ones this Holiday Season with the gift of health, while supporting local stores in Calgary and...

Mindful Connections to Food

Mindful Connections to Food

  Mindful Connections to Food   Food is everywhere, and there are many reasons why people eat. And I do see this all the time. I used to eat for many reasons other than physical hunger. Boredom, stress, self-sabotage, fear, pleasure, obsession, reward,...

Amber Approved Holiday Gift Guide 2017

Amber Approved Holiday Gift Guide 2017

  Amber Approved Holiday Gift Guide 2017                   The snow is beginning to fall and it's that time of year again! Amber Approved is excited to share all an all new, unique and healthy gift guide for...

Amber Approved Top 5 Healthy Back to School Snacks

Amber Approved Top 5 Healthy Back to School Snacks

  Amber Approved Top 5 Healthy Back to School Snacks   It’s that time of year. Summer is winding down and it’s time to start planning for back to school and work if you’ve been on vacation. So I’m excited to share with you my top 5 favorite healthy and...

Exploring The Highs and Lows of Sugar Addiction

Exploring The Highs and Lows of Sugar Addiction

  Exploring The Highs and Lows of Sugar Addiction   My Story At one time I had a full blown sugar addiction. I couldn’t stop eating it, had no control around it, and it gave me a high each and every time I ate it. That high ended in self-hate, disappointment...

What If You Gave Yourself a Year?

What If You Gave Yourself a Year?

  What If You Gave Yourself a Year?   Have you ever noticed how society has a major lack of patience? Perhaps it comes from a misunderstanding of what hard work is and how essential hard work is to achieving our goals. Whether it be running a business,...

Don’t Like Your Diet? Neither Does Your Body

Don’t Like Your Diet? Neither Does Your Body

  Don't Like Your Diet? Neither Does Your Body   We will often choose a diet or eating style because someone has convinced us. Maybe it’s out of fear, desperation or not knowing what to give our own body. Someone we look up to has tried it and preaches about...

How to Define Your Self-Worth

How to Define Your Self-Worth

  How to Define Your Self-Worth   If you are a listener of The No Sugarcoating Podcast, you might recall Episode 67, where I talk all about self-worth and how we define it. In this blog post, I want to talk about the dangers of letting the scale dictate our...

How to Shift from Self-Hate to Self-Love

How to Shift from Self-Hate to Self-Love

  How to Shift from Self-Hate to Self-Love   Self-love and self-care are two things that used to be foreign to me. I never understood what self-care and self-love really were. They weren’t taught to me. And I participated in the opposite of them both. I...

Why Fad Diets Don’t Work & What To Do Instead

Why Fad Diets Don’t Work & What To Do Instead

  Why Fad Diets Don't Work & What To Do Instead   Let’s talk about fad diets for a minute. There have been numerous fad diets that have permeated our culture in the past few decades. You may recognize some of them: South Beach, Atkins, Low-Carb, and Keto, to...

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